by Justin Maxwell
- Wanna come over?
- Where did you get that hat?
- Have you seen the moon tonight?
- So, um, wanna make out?
- Who do you wake up next to?
- Can we do that again?
- Do you want to watch the sunrise?
- What do you want for breakfast?
- Where are my pants?
- What would you like for lunch?
- Can we do this again?
- What is the rice of our happiness?
- How do you manifest the bee-dance of your heart?
- What are the words you can only sing?
- What is pulled by the riptide of the heart?
- Do birds hear beauty in their songs?
- Who holds the woosh and crackle of the bonfire?
- How does one love like a dog with a tennis ball?
- Where is the soil for compassion?
- How do you sleep like a cat?
- When do you howl, and when do you whimper?
- Why do the small sounds wake me at night?
- How do I promulgate contentment?
- Does the gingko tree yearn for its lost pollinator?
- How do I hold the door open?
- How long does a scream sit in the chest?
- Where’s my jacket?
- How does the road appear to the deer?
- What are the waves of internality?
- How do I hold the slow stretch of summer?
- What are the feelings that only whisper?
- What if it doesn’t get better?
- Where did you go?
- Is this bed too hard, too soft?
- When is it not worth the wait?
- Would a pet help?
- How do you pick a pet?
- Why do you pick a pet?
- Are fish pets if we can’t really pet them?
- How do we greet the flood waters?
- Will I be able to get my damage deposit back?
- Where are my car keys?
- How long have I been on my phone?
- Is today Wednesday?
- Why is my jaw clenched?
- Why so many ways to unfold the map of the heart?
- When does the hand shape the tool?
- How does the perpetrator make amends?
- Is there a non-violent solution to fascism?
- What do good men do for fun?
- Why does cruelty shine like lead?
- How do I encourage moss?
- Why is the undefined compelling?
- Will I end up like that?
- When will it happen to me?
- Why does it happen at all?
- What if it never happens?
- Who is the last hiker on the trail?
- Where is the cemetery for the future?
- Why why why why why?
- Why dream?
- Why pray?
- Why cat?
- Why dumpling?
- Why love?
- Am I too dehydrated to weep?
- Why isn’t it worse?
- What do I keep secret?
- Why do I keep their secrets?
- Why swim in the stream of consciousness?
- How do we do it better?
- Why am I dating this Red Flag Festival?
- What’s moral support in a state of moral decay?
- What does a pilgrimage look like now?
- How do we say goodbye to the last bee?
- How much can it hurt?
- Why not sleep alone?
- How do I walk to Cold Mountain?
- What if I can’t focus?
- What if I can focus?
- What if this is focus?
- What if I re-read Aristophanes?
- What if I re-read Kierkegaard?
- What if you do it?
- What if I played with a tennis ball all day?
- How do we sell the family home?
- How do we grieve mementoes?
- Which blue is the best blue?
- Is it the breath or the repetition?
- How do I accept what I cannot change?
- How do I possibly know the difference?
- How do I say “thank you”?
- How do we dance in the great stillness of listening?
- Why sincerity?
- What do I keep?
- What do I cut?
- Is now the time for sublime inactivity?
- How do I embrace stillness?
- What’s your name again?
- Hello?