Worn wooden bench seats warmed by summer afternoon heat. Platform with scuffed yellow safety lines. Small shade from the platform roof forming a dark rectangle parallel to the mountains of the Cinque Terre on one side, the Mediterranean Sea on the other. The long wait. Train tracks, two, each north-south. Each entering or exiting a tunnel. Fences separate railway travelers from the ecology of the stone & shrubbed landscape. From the great gray-blue body of water. From engagement, touch, scent, texture. The limitations of human need to lineate, to initiate a binary division against the natural impulses of geography. Water displays differentiation from the horizon, its odd unidentical twin pale blue against a paler sky. Gray-scale clouds lift the eyes of travelers up into the stratosphere, to the watery mid-day sun recently arrived at its stratocumulus station. A seagull calls. An approaching train whistles.