I had a lover in my dream. It could have been ______
for a brief period. I remember turning from side to
side, letting my body roll over hers. Whoever she
It was one of those dreams where everyone is
interchangeable. The kinds of people afraid of
intimacy with strangers.
The room was darkly lit. The walls & furniture
were maroon, forest green & mahogany. I was lying
on the queen-sized bed when the left corner of the
ceiling opened to a perfect circle, just large enough
for the mouth of a glass jar.
White sugar began pouring from the opening &
with it — a woman’s voice.
I called you ______ but you weren’t right, either.
Weren’t the right ______. I could tell by the tone of
your voice. It has been years since we’d spoken, but
I put that aside. I wanted it to be you. Or, I
wanted you to tell me how to find the other you.