All winter the mummified blue whale is hauled through Hungary in an oversized trailer Wherever it parks a small carnival sprouts to offer spun sugar and fortunes bouts of muscle and luck But mostly people flock to the pop-up spectacle to gawk at the whale Some are lured to a sideshow cage to stare at the oddity under the sign Man-Moth—Bride-Groom of Fire who glowers just now after turning the torch back on his captors nursing their burns Wings tucked he’s sullen and does nothing to help his landlocked audience escape the long winter of their dictatorship Expelling little clouds of breath they drift from his display to the chilly queue for the blue whale Waiting for a peek at the behemoth they clamp their hands in their armpits and stamp their feet When their turn finally comes they step past the ticket taker into the dark that smells of the sea and up to the smudged glass where the view is of a bruise-colored expanse of flesh that goes on and on like the hillocks and swales of the Great Hungarian Plain Visitors edge along the dim-lit corridor until startled by the leviathan’s glass eye Most folks flinch and duck away shaking their heads more troubled than when they came Back home they snap off the one station’s panic over the escape of the sideshow Moth-Man and knock back shots of brandy staring out windows as the heavy trailer groans up the highway