If the age was opulence
I am a walking cloak of memory
smashing svelte
in the fine line of fresh air
unlonelied velvet
sit with privilege
in your honey throat
flinging affliction
of this generation
how much can one name carry, oh — eternal legacies
it was so much heavier than I thought it would be
one snowflake at a time
perhaps, this is why we dance backwards
standing at attention
I didn’t know if I wanted
her spools of thought
around my shoulder
higher than locomotives
the wing-top mountain
desire masquerades whispery bones
as the avocado loosens its grip
around the pit
tension’s crescendo
you know what dreams are like
Tell me gunshots like thunder
Tell me all that wakes you up
Tell me my eyes are still there
Tell me either way
Tell me the world turned inside out
I couldn’t reconcile things like: my uncertainty
sounds like: tomorrow’s tremolo
the shadow of a hard line
glass containers of make-up
against a porcelain sink
waiting for perfections’ moment to break
what does beauty matter, anyway
fragile skin will crease
& uncrease without you