see me sliding into this metal tube / head first this zing this friction / means a smell of iodine / means my theta signals / a subterranean chasm within your fluid swirl / where each tiny cell wells up / binding me to your microscopic galaxy / your weekend / a rare sun pouring through trees & a green light under oak / from which something watched me / so sure of it I stood expanding like a sore / muscle / pinning me down / a new kind of loneliness / a distancing thing / your crushing gaze & yes I inherited this long hand / if not a little more to the left / & now you say you want another jab at a baby / at me Baby / an infinitesimal universe releasing / this gadolinium contrast / opening into a body of blue water spruce an idea of sky / though my neck in this position makes me think blue heron / an unseen street sign & my face plants in asphalt / damn that red light your hostile forest / not my father nor Perry Mason but my ferocious heart in question / your constant insertion / correction / impaling me with your fish hook / as in less MRIs & more blue moon’s beautiful liquid languid returning me to my own queer form / floating through columns of cool / ancient fish woman / full-hearted & gurgly / O don’t give me that / look I got dreams too / I mouthed to the rhythm of that handsome med tech’s holler over pings & percussions / your second chance glance / tingling wet & electric / your ribs these thighs / falling falling into us / free from beta traps / isolated from all that thisness / life itself & me here undone / down by the river / a walk through trees / a clearing in myself where I can suck in air and hold my own