Authors of the article

Born in the Netherlands, Claire Polders now roams the world. She’s the author of five novels and a bunch of short prose. Themes in her writing are identity, feminism, social justice, traveling, art, and death. She’s currently working on a memoir. For more about Claire, visit Wonder, Wander, Write. For more of Claire’s writing, visit And for reading recommendations, visit here

Lynn Mundell’s writing has appeared in journals including The Masters Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Tin House online, and Five Points, and been honored with the Lascaux Prize in Creative Nonfiction. She is author of the fiction chapbook Let Our Bodies Be Returned to Us (Yemassee, University of South Carolina) and co-editor of the anthology Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales from 100 Word Story (Outpost19). Lynn edits the literary journal Centaur.