Volume 18, Issue 2

Volume 18, Issue 2

Action/Words Poetry Contest

Judged by Ruth Awad


1st place: “The Cherry Garden” by Heeseo Lee

2nd place: “Good Mother Manifesto” by Stacy Boe Miller

3rd place: “The First Man to Fall into the Sun” by Alan Sincic


Greg Fairbank (a slideshow) 

Marc Benja (a slideshow)

Cover art: Feel Field, by Marc Benja


Mars, by Richard Holinger

No One Knew, by Koss

State Change, by Barbara Lock

Hailstorm, by Karen Schauber

Rooster, by Esteban Rodriguez


It’s Just Sparkling Anxiety, by Joanna Acevedo

Memories of a Mexican Boy from El Paso: Crossing Over into White America, by Daniel Acosta, Jr.


if i open my hands, by Logan Anthony

yellow-teethed, by Logan Anthony

Self-Portrait as Leafmold, by Jacob Butlett

October Dusk, by Alice Capshaw

Opioid Crisis, by Erin Carlyle

Wolf Breath Season, by Durell Carter

Once on a Ghost Ship, by Gemma Cooper-Novack

of god and merriment both, by Anna Lucia Deloia

Betta Fish, by Barbara Duffey

Cathedral Windows, by Barbara Duffey

Our Minds Wear Us Like a Glove, by Barbara Duffey

A Love Poem, by Erica Melliza Hom

Ars poetica with a shovel, by Erica Melliza Hom

No, where are you really from?, by Erica Melliza Hom

What we’re leaving behind (map), by Amorak Huey

For Someone Who Listens, by Romana Iorga

Nation, by Mark Jackley

Always the Chance, by Richard Jordan

King Ludd, by Sam Kemp

Memory of the Real Estate Collapse, by Eric Lochridge

Participation Award, by Eric Lochridge

Ars Robotica, by George Rawlins

Treatment for the Movie Adaption of Kafka’s Metamorphosis, by George Rawlins

Overton Win, by Alex Starr