dry lakebed & hot wind where music used to live dry lakebed & hot wind where bees used to dry lakebed & hot wound where the moon dry lakebed & no forest all dust dry lakebed & weed-cracked highways dry lakebed & what passed for love dry lakebed & empty dry lakebed & whatever follows regret in the dictionary dry lakebed & creaking oil pumps in perpetual motion dry lakebed & out of gas anyway dry lakebed & hungry dry lakebed & ocean plastic dry lakebed & disposable diapers dry lakebed & bleached cattle bones dry lakebed & what else did you expect dry lakebed & abandoned cars dry lakebed & what I promise was love dry lakebed & what comes after tree dry lakebed & it’s all so obvious now dry lakebed & what comes after what comes dry lakebed & our last drops of faith in metaphor evaporating dry lakebed & what we can get used to dry lakebed & our plans to run away together dry lakebed & thirsty dry lakebed & another dry lakebed & so many empty rivers don’t get me started on the rivers so many so empty