“I Proceed With Steam”
My chair takes to air I need a stepladder in the steam that powers me to see the damp I hear my parents say … Read more →
My chair takes to air I need a stepladder in the steam that powers me to see the damp I hear my parents say … Read more →
Don’t look for a unifying face. Rather, be the air that holds the bird, the dark at the perfected edge of lamplight, an expanding room of locks where disarray prepares itself. At my wedding I wore white, flat as I could be. This, so that later, a defector to the background, I could fool the pez-nerce viewer trying to guess… Read more →
I’ve brought my own bonnet. When the good Lord comes: ready! But I keep shifting like April snow out of my own photo. The part of me that can’t be seen, that’s the unrolled stone (Hallelujah!), that’s the black screw turned tighter into the bedstead. It’s the sighing falsehood of ice eating all of the pond’s air, a rocker stilled… Read more →