Light rays pierce
the dense clouds. They crack open oozing daybreak.
Seagulls swing
back and forth in the air as vines.
Glazed in shades of peach, thoughts contort into origami birds
They perch at the edge of daydreams.
Inspiration rushes in and dissipates
with the white tide and movement of the sun
toward the work day.
Ahead, a broken kite or headless bird?
Wings are stiff now and red streamers trail from the body.
It shares sand tinted by(products) of industry,
nearby discarded chunks of pinkish flesh
piled and scattered,
piled and scattered–a watermelon mandala maybe.
By the way, don’t cry over spilled oil.
You’ll cause the sea level to rise.
Over there, a pair, humans huddled
in waiting. Their countenance,
dingy with destitution. Enter elegant pelicans.
They skim just beyond the break
and ascend to ride the painterly wind.
It brushes over necks like tips of fluttering
peacock feathers. Big tobacco flounces past.
Bottle caps pepper the salty shore.
A quick kiss from sea to sole.
Metal strikes metal. It sings.
Then hushes into the distance.