Volume 8, Issue 4
Encompass, by Courtney Jordan
Fracture, by Courtney Jordan
Praxis 1, by Courtney Jordan
Praxis 2, by Courtney Jordan
Tertiary Event, by Courtney Jordan
Episode, by Tara Deal
Final Arrangements, by Mary Slechta
Two Separate Planets, by Meg Tuite
Pupa, by Matt Vasiliauskas
Lewes, Delaware, by Matthew Hummer
On Toilets, by Allie Mariano
Hideaway, by Anne Barngrover
The Waiting Girl Feels a Pulsing Where There is No Child, by Anne Barngrover
Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit, by Nickole Brown
Crisco, by Nickole Brown
Revision, by Lucia Cherciu
Emily as Sometimes This Comes Close to an Attempt at Alchemy, by Darren C. Demaree
St. Gemini Addresses La Marasa, with Particular Attention to Her Half, and Seals It to Parchment for Her Estranged, Her Worker of Metals, St. Maker, by Fox Frazier-Foley
The Last Absinthe Drinker: A Tragedy in Vignettes, by Melissa Holm
Twin Cell, by Ashley Roach-Freiman
What is Robinson, and Why, by Mark Svenvold
Platform, by Parker Tettleton
Tonight Isn’t The Last One, by Parker Tettleton
The Fields around Our Apartment, by Valerie Wetlaufer
Personality Programmed, by Changming Yuan