Draft Horse #1
The Sell
The Number of Our Days
La Serena
Moroccan Tea
My daughter, who speaks Arabic and Turkish, posed for this print of a woman pouring tea in the traditional manner. It was also inspired by the excellent, yet unassuming, Moroccan Hospitality eatery in Malden, MA. This print and a recipe for Moroccan mint tea are included in From Palate to Plate, prints and recipes from members of The Boston Printmakers…. Read more →
Mother Donahue, on a Saturday night, was picking her trucker husband up from the train. She brought three Bud bottles on ice in a romantic little cooler, so she’d be a while. Derrick, the older son, was home with his hand down his sweatpants, yelling at Lyle, his younger brother, to grab the good damn camera upstairs. When Lyle got… Read more →
In Defense of Small Towns
We thought we hated it— the town one square mile, population under 1700, so small our high school was in a different town. Highway 86 shot straight through the center, as kids we willed semis to honk from the curb. The smell of dirt and tractor tires made the town seem dirty and trampled, even to us. A grain elevator… Read more →
Assuage / A Menagerie
i. a sinkhole swallows a turtle the length of a poetry book so you find a spade and dig / there’s water and the water makes the hole wider / still can’t see the poor thing so deeper and harder you dig until you hit the shell / this narrative is about a rogue walnut and a boat ii…. Read more →
New Town
We came to New Town as newlyweds. They let us in. Hugs made us feel welcome. They gave us our stations and we started our internships. Everyone helped us acclimate. Soon we felt integrated. Milandra took to having babies and nurturing them, while I took to giving archery lessons. I held them in the woods, beyond the wall. We shot… Read more →