Volume 17, Issue 3


Art by Takwa Gordon (a slideshow)


The Apple is Blameless, by Kim Chinquee

Beachcombers, by Karen Laws

Porous, by Robin Littell

There Are Actually Four Versions of You, All True, by Mandira Pattnaik


Bluffs, by Jennifer Anderson

Unfiltered Camels, by Tomás Baiza


The Ones Who Come After Us, by Jason Abbate

On a Rainy Evening, by Madhav Ajjampur

Fault 1811/2011, by Carla Barger

Levers of Rain, by Lawrence Bridges

To My Eyeglasses, by Jacob Butlett

In My Father’s Home, by Wes Civilz

Conter Fleurette, by Hollie Dugas

Survival of the Fittest, by Jonathan Fletcher

A Year Spent in Central New York, by Rachel M. Hanson

Marble, by Daragh Hoey

Patio fence, by Leah Claire Kaminski

Ghost Variations, by Imran Boe Khan

v and i dreamt each other swimming, by Ariel Machell

Harlequin Promises, by Amy Marques

The Weight of Ice, by Laura McCullough

Porches, by Bruce Meyer

I’m Fine, by Kevin A. Risner

Still Dreaming as the World Breaks, by Kevin A. Risner

Endemic, by S. Salazar

Colder Country, by Jacob Schepers

To Amnesia, by Ashish Kumar Singh

Slow Dance, by Russel Swensen

The Call to Play, by Tanya Sangpun Thamkruphat

When Asked to Draw Its Hand as It Draws Its Hand, Our AI Writes:, by Miles Waggener

Creation, by Nathan Whiting

Party Planet, Mae Wissert